Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So I decided to update, but for the first time ever, I'm at a loss. Usually lots of fun and exciting things are floating around in my head and I have but to reach in and pull something out. But alas, nothing is coming to mind today.

In fact, I'm at such a loss for words, I actually went back through my Twitter feed just to see if anything really had happened that I had just forgotten. But nothing! (Well, lots of things, but nothing worth writing home -- or on this blog -- about.)

Then this came to me:

Setting: last night in the car, in the drive-thru of DQ.
Ali: So Saturday was fun - we went to [our volleyball coach's] house for a pizza
party then watched a DVD of our tournament in Indiana!

Lexi: Ali. It's "TOUR-na-ment," not "TER-na-ment." Gosh.

Ali: Nuh-uh, it's "TER-na-ment." Anyway, you can say it either way, right?

me: Al, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be "TOUR-na-ment." Think about it - it's spelled like "tour", "going on a tour."

Conversation continues throughout wait...

DQ worker: Here's your order!

me: Thanks...could I get another straw? This one has a hole in it....well, three holes actually, but one isn't supposed to be there, haha.

DQ worker: Sure! [hands me a new straw]

me: Okay, and one more thing.

DQ worker: Okay?

me: T-O-U-R-N-A-M-E-N-T. How do you say that?

DQ worker: Uh, "TOUR-na-ment"?

me and Lexi: YES! Ali: WHA?! But...!

me: Thanks for that - have a nice evening!

I think we pretty much made her night. She had the biggest grin on her face and was still laughing when I drove away from the window.

PS: if anyone was wondering, I ordered the 4-piece buffalo chicken -- they have excellent dipping sauce there -- and a mocha MooLatte.

1 comment:

The Kilted Scholar said...

I agree, it's "TOUR-na-ment"