I brought my books from last semester with me to work today, fully intending to take them to either the Pitt Book Store or other neighboring book shops to see which would give me the best deal (and then end up going back to the first I visited because that's just how it usually plays out). My co-worker, however, informed me that not only does the Pitt Book Store
RIP YOU OFF when you buy the books, but it also jips you when you're trying to sell them back. So I checked that stop off my list, which meant that the other three I could think of were probably just as bad.

Then I saw the light bulb come on in her head. A second later, she was excitedly filling me in on
Amazon.com and all of its wonder. So as of now, I'm kind of sold on the idea of selling my books online. Of course, who
really wants to buy a book called "The Foundations of Early Modern Europe"? I think I'll put them out there for awhile, but if they're not sold by the school year, I'll probably just take them down and sell them back to the store for pennies anyway.
In other news, the song "Wave of Anguish" by
Lacuna Coil just flashed across my
Pandora radio which reminded me of Guitar Hero (since, in fact, Lacuna Coil is one of the artists featured in the bonus tracks in Guitar Hero III....yeah, I'm a fan). And Guitar Hero reminded me of the fact that
Guitar Hero - Aerosmith just came out on the 29th. MUST HAVE! I'm a huge fan of both Guitar Hero and Aerosmith. Put them together, and the consequences could be amazing. So I definitely want to look into getting that for PS2.
And now for a little rant. I do a lot of data input at my job, so I'm frequently working with

addresses: I'm SICK of reused city and street names. It really grinds my gears. C'mon, people, there are millions - gajillions! - of words out there, and the best you can do is "Greenville"? I mean really, how green is that town? Since I know someone in almost every Greenville along the East Coast, it can get confusing. Likewise but more so with street names. Using numbers in the street names (i.e., "Fifth Avenue") is so lame. Still, I could handle it if there was only one out there like it. But no, there's a Fifth Avenue in practically every town! I can't tell if people are talking about the block above my office or the area about ten blocks from my house (about a 25 mile difference). Either way, I think I'd rather live on Sillypants Lane than drive myself mad researching directions to my friend's house who lives at 1234 Main Street.
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