Reminiscing about this reminds me of the time I was (yet again) sporting the binder clip bobby pin and forgot I was wearing it when I left the office. Since my dad and I work within a block of each other, it just makes sense for us to carpool. So each day, I leave the office at 4:00 and wait outside for him at an Exxon across the street from my building. That particular day, he was uncharacteristically late, so I waited outside - with my fancy little hair accessory - for a good fifteen minutes. When I hopped in the car, he glanced over at me and stopped mid-"how was your day" to comment, "Oh. Nice hair clip."
"What? OH!" As if there were others in the car who might see it, I quickly yanked it from my hair. It was too late though. And here I was thinking everyone at the gas station thought I was having a smashing hair day and just couldn't look away! Sigh...
By far though, my favorite utensil at the office is my PAPER MATE© red pen. Old faithful. Unlike my other pens, it's the only pen that doesn't "stutter." Plus, it's great for sticking behind my ear to hold my side bangs back. Come to think of it, I went out in public with my pen behind my ear once, too, though that's not quite as embarrassing if you ask me. Maybe I should ween myself off of doing this? Or I could just eliminate the temptation by getting real bangs, that's always an option.

On our next episode of "Other Useful Uses of Office Supplies," see Sam decorate her room in post-it notes!
...juuust kidding.
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